Candy Theory is a project in three parts. It began as a series of analog collages that combined original monotype printmaking papers with two found sources: a poodle breeding book discovered at a dump and an early twentieth century women’s magazine from a family archive. That process uncovered unexpected childhood memories, which I channeled into writing that blended memoir with speculative fiction. The final form of the project was a hand-sewn artist’s book combining that prose with digital collages based on the original analogs. Candy Theory is an ode to full moons, shape-shifting dogs, and rewilding the mind.
original analog collages. monotype and paper on book pages. 10 x 6.75 inches. 2023.
artist’s book. 18 pages, laser printed, saddle-stitched. 5.5 x 4.25 x .25 inches. Edition of ten. 2024.